south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 20,2014 - Week 18

Well another week has gone by. This past week I received the chex-mix package. Thank you for your letters also. I really enjoy receiving your letters, and the support you give me in them. I will try to send a letter this week because it has been 2 week I think since the last one I sent.  Thank you for the quote from your lesson we had the same one in priesthood yesterday.  I know that I receive peace and comfort everyday from the atonement of Christ. I know without him I wouldn't be able to stay another day. 

This week was much better than the past weeks. We had over 20 lessons, and most of our days were full. It was great to have full days because the time went much faster. When we have people cancel, or don't have people scheduled we normally try to tract or find people. This hasn't been too effective in our area, but we are still trying. We have instead been trying to focus on the people we have, and on our ward. We are trying to visit less actives, and to reactivate them, and get referrals from them. Referrals are much more reliable than just finding random people. We also visit other investigators and set up times to come see them. 

The weather is still very hot here. This week especially has been extremely hot. Elder Robins has a thermometer on his watch, and one day we were at around 96-98. It was really hot. The clothes I have are working great. I actually have bought a few pair of mess garments from the distribution center when we went to the temple a few weeks back. So yes we do have a distribution center. 
I’m sorry your so dry and have no snow, because you need the water. If you don't get snow Lake Powell is going to be very low, and you won't be able to get through castle rock pass. I hope that in February and March you will get some snow. 
Sorry I have not sent any pictures. My SD card is being weird as I plug it into the computer, so I will try to figure out what is wrong with it. I don't need another SD card. I got that one from you in my package this week. I will look at the pictures you put on. Speaking of Blake and his birthday I tried to send him an email, but it didn't sent because it said his address was invalid. Will you tell him Happy Birthday form me, and send me his email address. I am glad you had fun as a family, and that you were able to take him out to dinner for his birthday. 

It was fun to hear what Gary Clark said about mission. That sounds like Jo-burg area where those guys lived that Gary baptized. Neat that he got to see them in the States. And I understand them wanting to move to the states.  Everyone has huge fences and gates, and security. It is a bit weird, and a whole lot different that home where you can walk right up to everyone's front door. I do feel very safe though, and I know I am being watched over. I hope that you can heel ok, and that your back and ankle aren't hurting at the same time. 
I am doing very well with Elder Robins. We are basically like best friends. We get a long really well. He reminds me a bit of Marshall, and so it is really easy to get a long with him. He is doing very well in teaching. He catching on really fast, and he is participating in lessons already. He is doing very well with teaching, and I think he is copping very well with life. 

I doing well, and I'm sure things will continue to get better. I know that we will be blessed in our area as long as we are obedient and faithful. I also know that you and the family are being watched over. I have been really worried about A. I have been emailing him, and he is signed up to join the Navy. I don't know what else he is really doing. He says this will take over his life, and I hope he doesn't completely forget the church. I hope that the family is doing well. Tell everyone Hi for me, and the I miss them and love them. Thank you mom for all your support and love you show to me. I am truly blessed with amazing parents, and a wonderful loving family. I love you, and have a good week. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

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