south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Friday, September 27, 2013

Johannesburg Temple - WEEK 1

Elder Brown Week 1

Mitchell sent his first email from the MTC on 9/26/13
He answered all the questions we were worried about in his 
travel and getting adjusted to mission life.
He got his luggage a few days after arriving, he said 
the food is good and he has slept well.  He likes his
companion and gets along with him, and really
 enjoys the other elders in his zone.  The days are long 
and sometimes boring he said, but he is learning a lot. 
 It took him a few days to catch up on sleep and get
 over jet lag.  He caught a cold but feeling well now.  
They went to Johannesburg temple and he said it was awsome. 
Two native elders went through the temple for the first time.  
Mitchell will leave the MTC on Tuesday October 1.  
His p-day will then be Monday so we will not hear 
from him until the following week.  He sounds 
and looks happy in these pictures.  
Appreciate Sister Reber the MTC presidents 
wife for emailing us picture.

Elders visit the Johannesburg Temple

Mitchell peeking out at the end

Johannesburg South Africa Temple

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